Family Journey Malaysia (FJM)
Family Journey Malaysia (FJM) is a group of pastors and believers from throughout Malaysia who have been walking together – praying, worshipping, fellowshipping and crying out to God together to see the glory of God come to this nation. FJM is not based on membership, but rather is open to the Body of Christ to walk together as family to whatever extent the Lord releases them to do so. Our heart is to embrace all believers, from all races, language groups and denominations. And just like a family, we desire to walk together with each generation. Old and young alike, all have an important role to play in a family, and all are needed to make a family complete.
Family Journey Malaysia has organized countless Gatherings over the past several years. We refer to these times that we gather together as “Gatherings” instead of “Conferences.” This is primarily because for these Gatherings, there are no concrete pre-planned speakers. Rather, a group of spiritual leaders come together to corporately seek the Father’s heart for their time together, allowing room for the Holy Spirit to lead them in a more spontaneous way step by step throughout each meeting. The worship and all other aspects of the meetings are also only planned loosely, and it is always exciting to see the how the Holy Spirit leads clearly and powerfully each step of the way.
We long to see the glory of God come to the nation of Malaysia, and not just to visit us, but to dwell among us. In order for His manifested Presence to come and linger in our midst, we need to have a dwelling place for Him, where “brothers dwell together in unity.” Initially the heart was to bring together pastors and leaders with like-minded hearts, to seek God together. In doing so, we experienced countless precious moments of repentance and also forgiveness being extended. We saw God bring reconciliation in areas of relationships that the enemy had come in the past to bring misunderstanding and offense. As leaders humbled themselves before God and before one another, an amazing level of unity was ushered in. And with a greater level of unity, came a greater level of authority. As church leaders went away from a Gathering where God had brought reconciliation and healing, they experienced powerful breakthroughs in their own congregations.
Partnering with other nations
- Malaysians supporting a Gathering in Taiwan
- Asia Gathering 2013
- Asia Gathering 2013
Similarly to Malaysia, God has prompted numerous other nations to come together in a “Gathering way” and they too have experienced God moving powerfully in their midst. At numerous such times, Malaysians have gone to support and be a part of those Gatherings, and similarly, people from other nations have come to walk with Malaysia and join in with us as we have gathered together. We have come to realize more and more that our breakthrough is their breakthrough, and their breakthrough is ours. As one Body, we are all very much connected, and as one family so many priceless relationships have developed between these nations – including Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Canada and the US, to name only a few.