In Malaysia, we continue to rejoice over the huge breakthrough we experienced last year, as we entered a New Era. Things shifted in both the natural and the spiritual. After our “New Era” Gathering in November, we stood in awe of all that God had done, but, at the same time, we sensed the urgency to continue pressing in very deliberately, so that things do not become “seven times worse”. (Matthew 12:43-45) We believe the key in this New Era is walking in oneness – the kind of oneness that Jesus talked about in John 17, verse 21: “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.”
Similarly to how stones are put together to form one altar to present a sacrifice of worship to God, in this New Era the Lord desires a oneness of hearts for His people to exemplify what oneness means to a world that is fractured and broken, and to ultimately point them to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. So, in response to the urgency to keep pressing in and in response to Jesus’ longing in John 17, we will be having a “New Era: Oneness” Malaysia Gathering.
We invite the Malaysian body to gather together in Kuching, and welcome the Global Family to come and stand with us as well, at this very critical time.
611 Bread of Life at City One Mall
T21, 3rd Floor, Mall 2, CityONE Megamall, No.1, Jalan Song, 93250, Kuching Sarawak
Please make your own arrangements directly with the hotel of your choice. A few suggested hotels that are close to the meeting venue include:
- Pine Garden Hotel | 5 minutes walk to venue
Please download and fill out the form, then email your reservation to reservepinegarden@gmail.com.
Other suggested hotels:
- Zotel Sdn Bhd | 5 minutes walk to
Brighton Square
Jalan Song, 93350 Kuching
Tel: 082-285500
Email: zotelbrightonsquare@yahoo.com
Website: www.zotel.net
Note: When booking Zotel through email or telephone, give the code “FPA 2019” in order to get our special Gathering rate.
- 56 Hotel | 15 minutes walk to venue
Many other Kuching hotel options can also be found online.
Please make your own transportation arrangements.
“Grab” is a popular and inexpensive way to get around Kuching. If you do not already have the Grab app
The meeting venue is located in City One Mall which has numerous eateries and there are also other options within walking distance.
23 May
7:30pm Session 1
24 May
9:30am Session 2
2:30pm Session 3
7:30pm Session 4
25 May
9:30am Session 5
Online registration is now closed. Walk-in registration is available based on available space.
Registration Fee:
There will not be a registration fee for this Gathering. Instead, there will be an opportunity for people to sow into the Gathering expenses and the work the Lord is doing in Malaysia at this time. This sowing can be done through the offering taken at the Gathering or anytime through a bank transfer to the “Family Journey Malaysia” bank account.
Thank you for partnering with us in a practical way!
This Gathering is open to everyone, so feel free to invite your family and friends and anyone the Lord puts on your heart! Everyone is welcome!